Ni hao :)
Entri Populer
ABSTRAK Asidimetri dan alkalimetri merupakan proses titrasi yang menggunakan larutan asam dan basa. Tujuan dari percobaan ini adalah menet...
Sabtu, 03 September 2011
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
Pertanyaan yang Perlu Anda Jawab Sebelum Nikah

Setelah beberapa lama menjalin asmara dengan pasangan, Anda berpikir ingin menikah. Namun apakah Anda sudah siap? Coba jawab empat pertanyaan ini.
Psikolog yang kerap memberikan nasihat tentang percintaan dan populer setelah muncul dalam talk show Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil McGraw, mencoba memberikan sarannya untuk mengetahui apakah Anda memang sudah siap menikah. Coba jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaaan berikut ini dan temukan jawabannya apakah Anda siap menikah atau justru belum.
Kenapa Anda menikah?
Seperti dikutip dari, hal pertama yang harus Anda jawab adalah alasan kenapa Anda ingin menikah. Cobalah jujur dan evaluasi lagi berbagai alasan yang Anda sebutkan itu.
Pastikan Anda menikah bukan karena ingin menghindar dari suatu hal, misalnya tekanan orangtua. Pikirkan lagi dengan baik kenapa Anda ingin menikah, jangan sampai Anda menikah hanya karena alasan-alasan konyol yang nantinya Anda sesali.
Apakah Anda mengenal dan mempercayai pasangan?
Setiap pasangan ingin menikah sekali seumur hidupnya. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting mengenal orang yang akan kita nikahi luar-dalam. Sebelum menikah dengan pasangan, Anda pikirkan lagi, sudahkan Anda mengenal si dia dengan baik? Sudah tahukah Anda soal berbagai masa lalunya? Bagaimana dia bersikap selama pacaran?
Jika masih ada yang Anda ragukan dari si dia, cari tahu jawabannya sebelum pernikahan itu terjadi. Jangan sampai Anda menyesal kemudian hanya karena ternyata si dia menyembunyikan sesuatu di masa lalu.
Apakah Anda menyiapkan diri untuk menjalani kehidupan pernikahan atau hanya pesta pernikahan?
Mempersiapkan pernikahan memang menyenangkan, mulai dari gaun atau kebaya, tempat, bunga, kue dan lain-lain rasanya semua sudah terbayang di pikiran Anda. Namun Anda perlu ingat, pernikahan itu bukan hanya saat hari Anda dan pasangan mengucapkan janji sehidup semati, pernikahan akan berlangsung seumur hidup.
Komunikasikan dengan pasangan tentang visi-misi dalam menjalani kehidupan rumah tangga. Misalnya soal anak, keuangan, karir, pembagian tugas rumah tangga dan lain-lain. Jika ada perbedaan visi dan misi dalam hal-hal tersebut, bukan berarti Anda dan pasangan tidak cocok. Kompromi adalah kunci untuk sebuah keharmonisan pasangan suami-istri.
Sudah siapkah Anda berkorban?
Beberapa pengorbanan terkadang harus dilakukan saat Anda sudah menikah. Misalnya saja, mengurangi waktu 'bermain-main' bersama teman, kehilangan pekerjaan karena harus ikut suami ke kota lain, dan lain-lain.
Sebelum menikah, Anda harus menyadari konsekuensi ini. Memang akan lebih menyenangkan jika segala pengorbanan itu tak perlu dilakukan. Namun kalau memang harus terjadi, sudahkah Anda siap?
Tak hanya itu saja, jika ternyata pernikahan membuat Anda harus berkorban banyak, misalnya kehilangan teman, keluarga dan karir, pikirkan lagi, apakah pernikahan itu sebanding dengan segala pengorbanan Anda. Jangan sampai Anda setelah menikah malah mengalami depresi karena harus banyak berkorban.
Sumber :
7 Ciri Cinta Sejati
Anda sudah bosan berakhir pada cinta yang salah. Alih-alih mengharap cinta sejati, yang didapat malah cinta sehari. Sebelum memutuskan menerima cinta seseorang, perhatikan tanda-tandanya, apakah dia memang soulmate Anda? Ini dia tandanya.
1. Ia Sahabat Terbaik Anda
1. Ia Sahabat Terbaik Anda

Saat sedang mengalami kesulitan, yang pertama kali terlintas di kepala Anda adalah dirinya. Ia pandai menenangkan hati Anda. Begitupun ketika bahagia, Anda tahu pada siapa kebahagiaan itu akan dibagi. Ia selalu hadir untuk Anda dalam situasi apa pun. Tak ada orang yang lebih baik mengisi peran ini daripada pasangan Anda. Percayalah pasangan yang berjodoh pasti tak takut mengalami pasang surut hidup.
2. Punya Banyak Kesamaan
2. Punya Banyak Kesamaan
Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan, pernikahan yang paling stabil adalah pernikahan yang melibatkan dua orang dengan banyak kesamaan. Tidak terlalu penting jenis kesamaannya apa, tapi semua itu merupakan modal untuk langgengnya hubungan. Rahasia pasangan sejati adalah, manakala Anda berdua selalu bisa menikmati bersama semua aspek kehidupan. Tidak butuh orang lain untuk membuat kalian bahagia. Apakah Anda sudah merasakannya? Jika ya, jangan lepaskan dia.
3. Kepentingan Anda adalah Segalanya

“Cinta dimulai ketika seseorang menemukan bahwa kebutuhan orang lain sama pentingnya dengan kebutuhannya sendiri.” (Harry Stack Sullivan). Dari bahasa tubuh dan sikapnya selama ini, terlihat jelas, dia memperlakukan Anda sebagai orang terpenting dalam hidupnya, bahkan seringkali dia mementingkan kebutuhan Anda ketimbang dirinya. Bila dia punya potensi itu, mungkin dia yang Anda cari. Karena cinta abadi melibatkan komitmen rela berkorban untuk kebahagiaan pasangan.
4. Cinta tak Beryarat

Coba ingat-ingat, apakah ia pernah cemberut saat Anda memakai baju yang tak sesuai seleranya? Atau Anda pernah dicueki, ketika Anda memotong rambut tanpa sepengetahuannya? Bila ya, sebaiknya pikir-pikir lagi untuk memilih dia jadi kekasih. Padahal, cinta sejati adalah cinta yang tak bersyarat, mampu menerima pasangan apa adanya.
5. Mau Mendengarkan

Setiap Anda berbicara padanya, tak sedetik pun perhatiannya beralih. Ia pendengar yang baik, bisa mendengarkan Anda bicara berjam-jam lamanya tanpa rasa bosan, penuh perhatian dan mengerti apa yang Anda diinginkan. Sehingga Anda tak perlu mengulang kalimat yang sama berkali-kali dan mengatakan,”Kamu ngerti enggak sih, apa yang saya bicarakan tadi?”
6. Always On Time
6. Always On Time

Untuk urusan apa pun, dia selalu berusaha untuk tepat waktu. Janji bertemu jam tujuh malam, dia sudah tiba di tempat setengah jam sebelumnya. Baginya, lebih baik dia yang lumutan, daripada membiarkan Anda menunggu. Apalagi jika meeting pointnya dirasa tidak familiar dengan Anda.
7. Kontak Batin

Tanpa diucapkan, kalian bisa saling tahu cuaca hati masing-masing. Meski bukan paranormal, kalian seperti bisa saling membaca pikiran dan menduga reaksi, serta perasaan pasangan pada situasi dan kondisi tertentu. Bila Anda sudah merasakan hal tersebut terhadapnya, selamat! Mungkin dialah belahan jiwa Anda.
Sumber :
10 Tips Menjadi Pribadi Yang Menarik Hati
10 Tips Menjadi Pribadi Yang Menarik Hati - Kata kunci yang harus diperhatikan dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain adalah harga diri. Begitu pentingnya harga diri, sehingga tidak sedikit orang yang mempertaruhkan nyawanya demi mempertahankan harga dirinya. Untuk menjadi pribadi yang disukai, harus terus belajar memuaskan harga diri orang lain. Karena dengan harga diri yang terpuaskan, orang bisa menjadi lebih baik, lebih menyenangkan, dan lebih bersahabat.
Pujian itu seperti air segar yang bisa menawarkan rasa haus manusia akan penghargaan. Dan kalau Anda selalu siap membagikan air segar itu kepada orang lain, Anda berada pada posisi yang strategis untuk disukai oleh orang lain. Caranya? Bukalah mata lebar-lebar untuk selalu melihat sisi baik pada sikap dan perbuatan orang lain. Lalu pujilah dengan tulus.
Tunjukkanlah dengan sikap dan ucapan bahwa anda menganggap orang lain itu penting. Misalnya, jangan biarkan orang lain menunggu terlalu lama, katakanlah maaf bila salah, tepatilah janji, dsb.
Kalau bicara itu perak dan diam itu emas, maka pendengar yang baik lebih mulia dari keduanya. Pendengar yang baik adalah pribadi yang dibutuhkan dan disukai oleh semua orang. Berilah kesempatan kepada orang lain untuk bicara, ajukan pertanyaan dan buat dia bergairah untuk terus bicara. Dengarkanlah dengan antusias, dan jangan menilai atau menasehatinya bila tidak diminta.
Nama adalah milik berharga yang bersifat sangat pribadi. Umumnya orang tidak suka bila namanya disebut secara salah atau sembarangan. Kalau ragu, tanyakanlah bagaimana melafalkan dan menulis namanya dengan benar. Misalnya, orang yang dipanggil Wilyem itu ditulisnya William, atau Wilhem? Sementara bicara, sebutlah namanya sesering mungkin. Menyebut Andre lebih baik dibandingkan Anda. Pak Peter lebih enak kedengarannya daripada sekedar Bapak.
Semua orang senang bila diperlakukan dengan ramah. Keramahan membuat orang lain merasa diterima dan dihargai. Keramahan membuat orang merasa betah berada di dekat Anda.
Anda tidak akan menjadi miskin karena memberi dan tidak akan kekurangan karena berbagi. Seorang yang sangat bijak pernah menulis, Orang yang murah hati berbuat baik kepada dirinya sendiri. Dengan demikian kemurahan hati disatu sisi baik buat Anda, dan disisi lain berguna bagi orang lain.
Umumnya orang tidak suka bila kelemahannya diketahui oleh orang lain, apalagi dipermalukan. Semua itu menyerang langsung ke pusat harga diri dan bisa membuat orang mempertahankan diri dengan sikap yang tidak bersahabat.
Orang yang disukai bukanlah orang yang selalu berkata Ya, tetapi orang yang bisa berkata Tidak bila diperlukan. Sewaktu-waktu bisa saja prinsip atau pendapat Anda berseberangan dengan orang lain. Anda tidak harus menyesuaikan diri atau memaksakan mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan Anda. Jangan takut untuk berbeda dengan orang lain. Yang penting perbedaan itu tidak menimbulkan konflik, tapi menimbulkan sikap saling pengertian. Sikap asertif selalu lebih dihargai dibanndingkan sikap Yesman.
Perlakuan apapun yang anda inginkan dari orang lain yang dapat menyukakan hati, itulah yang harus anda lakukuan terlebih dahulu. Anda harus mengambil inisiatif untuk memulainya. Misalnya, bila ingin diperhatikan, mulailah memberi perhatian. Bila ingin dihargai, mulailah menghargai orang lain.
Mencintai diri sendiri berarti menerima diri apa adanya, menyukai dan melakukan apapun yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri. Ini berbeda dengan egois yang berarti mementingkan diri sendiri atau egosentris yang berarti berpusat kepada diri sendiri. Semakin Anda menyukai diri sendiri, semakin mudah Anda menyukai orang lain, maka semakin besar peluang Anda untuk disukai orang lain. Dengan menerima dan menyukai diri sendiri, Anda akan mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan orang lain, menerima mereka dengan segala kekurangan dan keterbatasannya, bekerjasama dengan mereka dan menyukai mereka. Pada saat yang sama tanpa disadari Anda memancarkan pesona pribadi yang bisa membuat orang lain menyukai Anda.
Nyanyian Cinta
Warnanya dunia dapat dilihat dari satu kata, cinta,.,
Bahagianya bunga saat bermekaran, pucuk-pucuk saat kembali bersemi, salju saat mencair dan saat daun-daun yang berguguran kembali hijau dapat dirasakan dengan satu kata, cinta,.,
Angin sepoi-sepoi, wangi lavender saat menghirupnya, tenang, tenang seperti saat damai di pegunungan,.,
atau saat mendengar riak-riak kecil air terjun yang menyentuh batuan,.,
tenang, damai, tentram, dan semua itu bisa dirasakan oleh satu kata, cinta,.,
Cintamu,.,cinta pertamamu,.,ataupun cinta kedua, ketiga & selanjutnya,.,
yang mampu membuat jantungmu berdetak tak karuan, yang mampu membuatmu tersenyum saat tak ada yang lucu,.,
Yang membuatmu mencuri pandang disetiap kesempatan,.,
Yang membuatmu selalu ingin bernyanyi lagu yang indah, lagu cinta yang indah, di dalam simfoni yang bahagia,.,
Apa yang kau ingin selalu?
pesannya tengah malam yang hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa ia sangat mencintaimu?
atau telpon tengah malam yang hanya ingin mengatakan ia sangat merindukan suaramu?
atau saat ia menggandengmu di depan teman-temanmu & teman-temannya hanya untuk membuktikan bahwa kau sangat berarti untuknya?
Terlepas dari semua itu, adalah tatap matanya yang tak pernah lepas darimu saat kau bersamanya, seakan ia berkata tak ada hal yang lebih berharga selain saat bersamamu,.,
Atau saat ia mengatakan hari ini adalah untukmu, jadi kaulah raja atau ratuku?
Indah bukan?
Indahnya cinta di dalam keikhlasan, saat harus memberi tanpa mengharapkan balas,.,
saat meminta maaf & saling memaafkan,.,
Menerima segala kekurangan & kelebihan tanpa membanding-bandingkan dengan yang lain,.,
Saat harus bersabar disaat salah satu berada dalam puncak keegoisan,.,
Saat menghargai karena yang tak kau punya selalu tampak lebih indah yang kadang menyilaukan matamu dengan apa yang kau miliki,.,
Padahal sebaik-baiknya harta yang tak kau miliki & betapun menggodanya cinta yang tak kau miliki, jauh lebih berharga harta & cinta yang kau miliki,.,
Karna apa yang kau miliki dapat kau rasakan, dapat kau nikmati & dapat membuatmu jauh lebih berarti daripada kau meratap untuk yang tak kau miliki,.,
Ikhlas untuk cintamu, apa yang kau miliki & selalu berusaha memberikan yang terbaik di setiap kesempatan akan menjadikan hidup ini ringan & mudah dalam menjalaninya,.,
Cintamu,.,cintaku,.,cinta kita semua yang akan menjadikan hidup ini lebih indah asal kita mau dan tetap berada dalam keikhlasan dalam menjalaninya...
Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011
Kim Hyun Joong (My Idol)
Biodata Gim Hyeon Jung
Nama asli : Gim Hyeon Jung
Profesi : Aktor dan Penyanyi(SS501)
Tgl.Lahir : 6 Juni 1986
Tinggi/BB : 180cm/68kg
Gol.Darah : B
Zodiak : Gemini
Pendidikan : Universitas Kyonggi
Hobi : Main gitar,piano dan Menari
Drama Televisi : BBF Boys Before Flowers (KBS2,2008)
Spotlight (MBC,2008)
Hotelier (TV Asashi,2007,ep.7)
Can Love Be Refilled (KBS2,2005
Nonstop 5 (MBC,2005,ep.208)
Penghargaan : The 45th Baeksang Arts Award
Popularity Award(Male)Boys Before Flowers 2008
Nama asli : Gim Hyeon Jung
Profesi : Aktor dan Penyanyi(SS501)
Tgl.Lahir : 6 Juni 1986
Tinggi/BB : 180cm/68kg
Gol.Darah : B
Zodiak : Gemini
Pendidikan : Universitas Kyonggi
Hobi : Main gitar,piano dan Menari
Drama Televisi : BBF Boys Before Flowers (KBS2,2008)
Spotlight (MBC,2008)
Hotelier (TV Asashi,2007,ep.7)
Can Love Be Refilled (KBS2,2005
Nonstop 5 (MBC,2005,ep.208)
Penghargaan : The 45th Baeksang Arts Award
Popularity Award(Male)Boys Before Flowers 2008
Debuting as the leader of SS501 in 2005. They also appeared in “Thank You For Waking Me Up” where he was proven to be a heavy sleeper,”Thank You For Raising Me Up” in 2006 and MNet’s “Idol World” in 2007, which showed SS501 doing various missions in Japan.

In the hit drama series, Boys Over Flowers, he plays Yoon Ji Hoo. The series was a huge media and ratings sensation in Korea during its run from January to March 2009, garnering a huge amount of popularity for the entertainer. The series was not only a hit in Korea, but all around Asia as well. This includes Taiwan and the Southeast Asian countries of Singapore, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal amongst others as well as in Japan and in North America where it was released on DVD with English subtitles.

Their Asia Concert Tour began in mid-August 2009 in Seoul at the Olympic Park. They continued their tour in Shanghai, Taipei, Bangkok before returning to returning to Seoul for a closing encore concert. They staged two concerts for the encore closure on the 27th Feb and 28th Feb 2010 respectively.
On September 2009, during promotions in Japan for Boys Over Flowers, Kim Hyun Joong was diagnosed with H1N1. While recovering from H1N1, he could not attend Seoul’s International Drama Awards. To accept the award on his behalf, his members of SS501, Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong, and Kim Hyung Jun were present for the award show. He recovered from H1N1 and was discharged on September 15, 2009.
On October 23, 2009 Kim Hyun Joong and SS501 released their album “Rebirth,” and performed “Love Like This.”

In April 2010, he appeared opposite Jung Ryeo Won in the music video for Korean Singer Gummy’s new song As A Man (남자라서).
In June 2010, him and his band mates of SS501 released an album titled ‘Destination’. Their title song ‘Love Ya’ was received well, rating high in record sales and online music stores. ‘Love Ya’ went on to top Music Bank (TV series)’s K-Chart for two weeks. Doing great for two weeks was all they could have though, they soon ended promotions, because of SS501′s contract was ending.
On June 19, 2010, he then appeared at a concert in the Philippines along side BEAST
On June 28, 2010, It was officially announced that Kim Hyun Joong officially left DSP Entertainment and signed a contract with Bae Yong Joon’s KeyEast Entertainment company.[2]

He had said at the Playful Kiss press conference, that SS501 will never disband unless you stop buying their album, and that they will make new albums in the future.
Kim Hyun Joong was then invited to the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games as the representative of South Korea and he’ll sing “Sunshine Again” with other 3 singers. On the 7th of November, Kim Hyun Joong was interviewed by CNN’s Anna Coren due to his success in Playful Kiss. Playful Kiss Special Edition is a big hit on Youtube as it is the first korean drama to air on Youtube. It’s first episode garners 1 million views just in 5 days. This has once again showed that Kim Hyun Joong is a global star.
Micky YooChun (My Idol)
Stage Name: Micky
Real Name: Park YooChun (박유천)
Position: Vocal (Bass-baritone)
Age: 24/25 (Western/Korean)
Birthday: June 4, 1986
Birthplace : Seoul
Education: 1st year university student
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Blood Type: 0
Hobbies: Composing music and basketball
Special Ability: Singing, writing lyrics and composing music
2001 American Singing Competition (Virginia) Best Artist of the Competition
2003 KBN Teens Singing Competition Special Award
Real Name: Park YooChun (박유천)
Position: Vocal (Bass-baritone)
Age: 24/25 (Western/Korean)
Birthday: June 4, 1986
Birthplace : Seoul
Education: 1st year university student
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Blood Type: 0
Hobbies: Composing music and basketball
Special Ability: Singing, writing lyrics and composing music
2001 American Singing Competition (Virginia) Best Artist of the Competition
2003 KBN Teens Singing Competition Special Award
A gemini born in 1986, has the middle-low vocal part of the group. Along with Xiah, he is the middle voice of the group. He is an important figure that brightens up the mood and atmosphere with his funny personality. Perhaps he couldn't hide his talent even when he was little, for he won the highest award at the Korean/American Music Contest and the KBN Music Contest for young adults. Is very interested in composing and wrote over 100 songs, and the members personally like his song the best out of the ones the members composed. Joined the team last year and left his family in America, and he admits that he sometimes misses driving around New York. But he says that this moment, right now, is the happiest of his life.
Micky Yoochun's English is pretty good. Its because he lived in the states when he was Young. Yoochun immigrated to Virginia where his uncle lived when he was in elementary school (6th grade). In 2001, at a song festival, he won the daesang and started to spread his name around. Last Year in a Youth music festival, he recieved a special award and because of that, he caught one of SM's recruiting teams attention. Yoo Chun's piano skills and song writing skills are great. He has written over 100 songs now. He has good taekwondo skills too. In elementary school he represented the state's taekwondo team and performed with them on 'Children's day". Micky Yoochun who has lots of talents, recently announced that he gave up his U.S citizenship. It was to concentrate on his singing career. In order to keep up with the U.S citizenship he has to go to the states 2 or 3 times in a year. So it would be hard to peform in Korea all the time. Yoochun has announced that when he becomes an adult, he is going to join the army with DBSG members.
Micky Yoochun's English is pretty good. Its because he lived in the states when he was Young. Yoochun immigrated to Virginia where his uncle lived when he was in elementary school (6th grade). In 2001, at a song festival, he won the daesang and started to spread his name around. Last Year in a Youth music festival, he recieved a special award and because of that, he caught one of SM's recruiting teams attention. Yoo Chun's piano skills and song writing skills are great. He has written over 100 songs now. He has good taekwondo skills too. In elementary school he represented the state's taekwondo team and performed with them on 'Children's day". Micky Yoochun who has lots of talents, recently announced that he gave up his U.S citizenship. It was to concentrate on his singing career. In order to keep up with the U.S citizenship he has to go to the states 2 or 3 times in a year. So it would be hard to peform in Korea all the time. Yoochun has announced that when he becomes an adult, he is going to join the army with DBSG members.
1.) Name: Park Yuchun
2.) Sex: Male
3.) Email address: Won't tell you
4.) Birthdate: June 4, 1986
5.) Family: Dad, mom, younger bro
6.) Height: 178 or 179
7.) Weight: 66 kg
8.) Something good about yourself: Nothing
9.) Something bad about yourself: I have a lot...hmm, I can't think of one off the top of my head.
10.) Describe your personality in one word: Weird or gullible.
11.) Celebs that you like: Hwangbo, Kim Gunmo and Boa!
12.) Songs you like: I like all songs.
13.) Fav Season: Can't choose between winter and summer.
14.) Game you're good at: Jacks
15.) My ideal woman: Hwangbo
16.) If you have to choose between same age/older/younger: Hmm. Younger, no, same age! No! Older! I don't know!
17.) Your mood as of now: Good, that's why I'm actually doing this.
18.) What you have in your pocket right now: car keys, house key
19.) Sleeping out: too many to remember.
20.) Alcohol tolerance: 24 hours
21.) Drinking habits: I can't remember anything after 24 hours.
22.) How old were you the first time you drank: Freshman
23.) When do you want to get married: I don't want to get married.
24.) About my singing: Not that well
25.) About my dancing: Not that well
26.) Something I want these days: If I say, will you do it for me? I want fan letters!
27.) When you're home alone: I compose music.
28.) When you're standing in front of the mirror: Oh...dammit.
29.) Clothes you're wearing as of now: Shorts and black boxers.
30.) How much money do you have in your wallet: 9 bucks
31.) What you want to buy for your girlfriend: Kimbap!
32.) Does height matter to you: Nope.
33.) What song do you sing when you go to sing karaoke: Incomplete/ SISQO
34.) What would you do if you had plans with your friend but they never showed: I'll call them later and ask.
35.) What would you do if the person you loved cheated on you: Who are you?!
36.) How long will you be able to wait for the person you love: 24 hours
37.) First kiss: Kindergarten
38.) A feature you feel doesn't need to be fixed: Eyelashes
39.) Feature you feel should be fixed: Skin
40.) People you miss the most right now: Yongyun, Hyosung and BOA!!
41.) First love: Elementary school
42.) When you cried the most: 1999
43.) When do you feel you're grown up: When I look after and take care of my younger bro.
44.) What you don't like: Discrimination
45.) When you felt happy: Right now
46.) When you were most flabbergasted: never
47.) Best looking person of the opposite gender you've seen so far: No one
48.) Why aren't you going out with anyone: There's no one to go out with.
49.) What you feel towards that person: What person
50.) What would you say to the people actually reading this: Good job.
51.) Something I'm most worried about: My skin.
52.) When I look most weak: When I can't do anything.
53.) How do you NOT get dumped: change the subject.
54.) 3 things a person NEEDS: Friendship, love and manners
55.) Your grades in school: No comment
56.) #1 on your phone: no one.
57.) Phone company: AT&T
58.) Phone bill: Around 49 dollars
59.) Place you want to go: Africa
60.) Favorite TV program: Rose War
61.) Movie that pissed you off: Hae-Ahn-Sun
62.) Movie you watched with most meaning: Gook-ah-kkot-hyang-gi
63.) Most recent movie watched: Boon-no-ae-jil-joo 2
64.) Movie you want to recommend: Gook-ah-kkot-hyang-gi
65.) If you could become a character inside a movie: Park Shinyang in Pyunji
66.) How many cafes are you a member to: 3
67.) Which do you go to most often: Ours.
68.) What you feel about this cafe: A lot.
69.) What you want to say to the starter of the cafe: I'll pay you back somehow
70.) You believe it is okay to marry someone else to save the person that you love: No
71.) What would you do if your parents didn't bless your decision to get married: Force them to.
72.) Do you think you're a player: I hope not.
73.) What time do you wake up: 8-ish
74.) When you go to sleep: 2 AM
75.) If someone you met for the first time asked for your number: I'll give it to them
76.) What would you do if you liked someone at a meeting: Act as if I didn't.
77.) Celebrity you want to go out with: Hwangbo
78.) How many kids do you want: 1
79.) Someone I really want to be good at: Composing music and going on with my dream.
80.) What I want to be in 10 years: Song writer
81.) Someone you’re jealous of as of now: Kim Gunmo
82.) A word that you use a lot: Suicide
83.) What I do when I first wake up: Play piano
84.) What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: why not 10 million.
85.) What would you do if you became invisible: Isn't it obvious?
86.) Singer you think is the best singing live: Kim Gunmo
87.) Singers you don't understand why they even sing: Singers who don't even like what they do.
88.) A kind of man you don't like: A mama's boy.
89.) A kind of woman you don't like: 2-faced.
90.) What would you do if you found someone you love more than the person you're dating right now: I don't know
91.)What would you feel if you met someone you'd broken up with: I'd feel glad
92.) Most important possession: My family
93.) What you do when you first get online: Visit our cafe
94.) What surprised you the most: When Yongyun said he was going to make an anti site. T_T
95.) What you do when you can't fall asleep: Play the piano
96.) What do you think you were in your past life: Harusali
97.) If you were to be born again: A turtle
98.) What are you going to do after you finish this: Post it up.
99.) How honest were you: VERY!
100.) What do you want to say: God! Who even made this test!
2.) Sex: Male
3.) Email address: Won't tell you
4.) Birthdate: June 4, 1986
5.) Family: Dad, mom, younger bro
6.) Height: 178 or 179
7.) Weight: 66 kg
8.) Something good about yourself: Nothing
9.) Something bad about yourself: I have a lot...hmm, I can't think of one off the top of my head.
10.) Describe your personality in one word: Weird or gullible.
11.) Celebs that you like: Hwangbo, Kim Gunmo and Boa!
12.) Songs you like: I like all songs.
13.) Fav Season: Can't choose between winter and summer.
14.) Game you're good at: Jacks
15.) My ideal woman: Hwangbo
16.) If you have to choose between same age/older/younger: Hmm. Younger, no, same age! No! Older! I don't know!
17.) Your mood as of now: Good, that's why I'm actually doing this.
18.) What you have in your pocket right now: car keys, house key
19.) Sleeping out: too many to remember.
20.) Alcohol tolerance: 24 hours
21.) Drinking habits: I can't remember anything after 24 hours.
22.) How old were you the first time you drank: Freshman
23.) When do you want to get married: I don't want to get married.
24.) About my singing: Not that well
25.) About my dancing: Not that well
26.) Something I want these days: If I say, will you do it for me? I want fan letters!
27.) When you're home alone: I compose music.
28.) When you're standing in front of the mirror: Oh...dammit.
29.) Clothes you're wearing as of now: Shorts and black boxers.
30.) How much money do you have in your wallet: 9 bucks
31.) What you want to buy for your girlfriend: Kimbap!
32.) Does height matter to you: Nope.
33.) What song do you sing when you go to sing karaoke: Incomplete/ SISQO
34.) What would you do if you had plans with your friend but they never showed: I'll call them later and ask.
35.) What would you do if the person you loved cheated on you: Who are you?!
36.) How long will you be able to wait for the person you love: 24 hours
37.) First kiss: Kindergarten
38.) A feature you feel doesn't need to be fixed: Eyelashes
39.) Feature you feel should be fixed: Skin
40.) People you miss the most right now: Yongyun, Hyosung and BOA!!
41.) First love: Elementary school
42.) When you cried the most: 1999
43.) When do you feel you're grown up: When I look after and take care of my younger bro.
44.) What you don't like: Discrimination
45.) When you felt happy: Right now
46.) When you were most flabbergasted: never
47.) Best looking person of the opposite gender you've seen so far: No one
48.) Why aren't you going out with anyone: There's no one to go out with.
49.) What you feel towards that person: What person
50.) What would you say to the people actually reading this: Good job.
51.) Something I'm most worried about: My skin.
52.) When I look most weak: When I can't do anything.
53.) How do you NOT get dumped: change the subject.
54.) 3 things a person NEEDS: Friendship, love and manners
55.) Your grades in school: No comment
56.) #1 on your phone: no one.
57.) Phone company: AT&T
58.) Phone bill: Around 49 dollars
59.) Place you want to go: Africa
60.) Favorite TV program: Rose War
61.) Movie that pissed you off: Hae-Ahn-Sun
62.) Movie you watched with most meaning: Gook-ah-kkot-hyang-gi
63.) Most recent movie watched: Boon-no-ae-jil-joo 2
64.) Movie you want to recommend: Gook-ah-kkot-hyang-gi
65.) If you could become a character inside a movie: Park Shinyang in Pyunji
66.) How many cafes are you a member to: 3
67.) Which do you go to most often: Ours.
68.) What you feel about this cafe: A lot.
69.) What you want to say to the starter of the cafe: I'll pay you back somehow
70.) You believe it is okay to marry someone else to save the person that you love: No
71.) What would you do if your parents didn't bless your decision to get married: Force them to.
72.) Do you think you're a player: I hope not.
73.) What time do you wake up: 8-ish
74.) When you go to sleep: 2 AM
75.) If someone you met for the first time asked for your number: I'll give it to them
76.) What would you do if you liked someone at a meeting: Act as if I didn't.
77.) Celebrity you want to go out with: Hwangbo
78.) How many kids do you want: 1
79.) Someone I really want to be good at: Composing music and going on with my dream.
80.) What I want to be in 10 years: Song writer
81.) Someone you’re jealous of as of now: Kim Gunmo
82.) A word that you use a lot: Suicide
83.) What I do when I first wake up: Play piano
84.) What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: why not 10 million.
85.) What would you do if you became invisible: Isn't it obvious?
86.) Singer you think is the best singing live: Kim Gunmo
87.) Singers you don't understand why they even sing: Singers who don't even like what they do.
88.) A kind of man you don't like: A mama's boy.
89.) A kind of woman you don't like: 2-faced.
90.) What would you do if you found someone you love more than the person you're dating right now: I don't know
91.)What would you feel if you met someone you'd broken up with: I'd feel glad
92.) Most important possession: My family
93.) What you do when you first get online: Visit our cafe
94.) What surprised you the most: When Yongyun said he was going to make an anti site. T_T
95.) What you do when you can't fall asleep: Play the piano
96.) What do you think you were in your past life: Harusali
97.) If you were to be born again: A turtle
98.) What are you going to do after you finish this: Post it up.
99.) How honest were you: VERY!
100.) What do you want to say: God! Who even made this test!
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